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The SNU Senate deliberates on important policies concerning the operation and development of the University.

Operation Rules

Operation Rules of the Seoul National University Senate   DOWNLOAD

Enacted on March 21, 2012.
Revised on April 3, 2013.
Revised on April 16, 2014.

  • Article 1 (Purpose) The purpose of this regulation is to determine necessary matters for organizing and managing the Senate in accordance with Article 13 of the Rules of the Senate. [Amended on 2014. 4. 16.]
  • Article 2 (Election of Senators) ① The number of Senators elected by the faculty meeting of each college and school shall be determined by the Senate plenary meeting (hereafter referred to as ‘plenary meeting’) in proportion to the faculty number of each college and school.
    ② A new Senator shall be elected 30 days prior to the expiration of the incumbent’s term by means of secret ballot.
    ③ Senators that represent the staff shall be elected by means of secret ballot.
    ④ The Chairperson can appoint no more than 2 staff members as Senators with the approval of the plenary meeting for the purpose of enhancing the Senate’s representation and expertise. [Amended on April 16, 2014]
    ⑤ A Senator filling a vacancy shall be elected within 30 days of the occurrence of vacancy.
    ⑥ The detailed rules for the Senator election shall be determined by the plenary meeting.
  • Article 3 (Resignation) ① A Senator who wants to resign shall tender his/her letter of resignation to the Chairperson.
    ② The Chairperson, on receiving a Senator’s letter of resignation, shall immediately begin the procedure of filling his/her vacancy.
  • Article 4 (Executives) ① The Senate shall have the following executives.
    1. one Chairperson
    2. one Vice Chairperson
    3. four Chairpersons of standing committees
    4. one general secretary
    ② The Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson shall be elected in the plenary meeting by means of secret ballot with the affirmative vote of the majority of the Senators in attendance.
    ③ If no one is elected in the first round of vote, there shall be the final round of vote for the top two candidates of the first round.
    ④ If the term of the Chairperson or the Vice Chairperson is to be extended in accordance with Article 5 Section 2 of the Rules of the Seoul National University Senate, the Chairperson or the Vice Chairperson shall be counted as one of the Senators for the college or school to which he/she belongs.
    ⑤ If the Chairperson or the Vice Chairperson should resign before the expiration of his/her term, there shall be an election for the Chairperson or the Vice Chairperson fulfilling the remaining term in accordance with Section 2 and Section 3 within 30 days of the occurrence of reason. However, if the remaining term of the resigning Chairperson is less than 6 months, the Vice Chairperson shall be the Chairperson for the remaining term, and, if the remaining term of the resigning Vice Chairperson is less than 6 months, an acting Vice Chairperson may be appointed by the Steering Committee.
    ⑥ The Chairperson shall appoint the Chairpersons of standing committees and the general secretary.
  • Article 5 (Duties of Executives) ① The Chairperson shall represent the Senate, preside over its meetings and the business thereof.
    ② The Vice Chairperson shall assist the Chairperson, and execute duties of the Chairperson as an acting Chairperson where the Chairperson is unable to perform his/her duties due to any extenuating circumstance.
    ③ The Chairperson of a standing committee shall preside over the business thereof.
    ④ The general secretary shall assist the Chairperson by taking charge of the business thereof.
  • Article 6 (Steering Committee) ① The Senate shall have a steering committee of no more than 11 Senators for efficient management of the Senate including the preparation of agendas for plenary meetings.
    ② The committee shall take charge of the following matters:
    1. Deciding whether to table agendas for plenary meetings;
    2. Referring relevant agendas to standing committees for deliberations;
    3. Proposing agendas for plenary meetings in accordance with the Senate Regulation Article 2 Section 1 (7);
    4. Assigning each Senator to an appropriate standing committee;
    5. Discussing in advance the agendas for plenary meetings;
    6. Dealing with agendas proposed by Senators; [Amended on 2013.4.3]
    7. Dealing with matters relevant for the management of the Senate. [Amended on 2013.4.3]
  • Article 7 (Organizing and Managing of the Steering Committee) ① The steering committee shall be composed of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson, the Chairpersons of standing committees, and the general secretary. The additional members of steering committee shall be determined by the plenary meeting.
    ② The Chairperson of the Senate shall preside over the Steering Committee.
    ③ The general secretary of the Senate shall be the secretary of steering committee to take charge of the business thereof.
  • Article 8 (Standing Committees) ① The standing committees shall be the Committee of Education; the Committee of Research; the Committee of Planning and Finance; and the Committee of Environment · Culture · Welfare.
    ② Each standing committee shall take charge of the following matters:
    1. The Committee of Education: education and management of educational affairs
    2. The Committee of Research: matters concerning research
    3. The Committee of Planning and Finance: matters concerning planning and finance
    4. The Committee of Environment · Culture · Welfare: matters concerning the environment of the university, the culture of the SNU community, and the welfare of the faculty and staff
  • Article 9 (Organizing and Managing of Standing Committees) ① All the Senators except the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson shall belong to one of the standing committees unless there is any extenuating circumstance.
    ② The Chairperson shall appoint Senators for each standing committee through the deliberation of steering committee, and report the result to the plenary meeting.
    ③ Each standing committee shall have one Chairperson and one executive secretary for each standing committee, and the Chairperson of the committee shall recommend the executive secretary to the Chairperson of the Senate to be appointed.
    ④ Each standing committee shall deliberate on agendas commissioned by the plenary meeting. The results of its deliberation shall be reported to, and ratified by the plenary meeting.
    ⑤ A Senator may attend a standing committee to which he/she does not belong, and make his/her proposal on any agenda, on condition that his/her attendance shall be granted by the committee Chairperson after the committee Chairperson consults the Senate Chairperson thereof.
  • Article 10 (Special Committee) ① A special committee may be established through the decision of the plenary meeting.
    ② The members of a special committee shall be selected through the decision of the plenary meeting, the Chairperson of the committee shall be appointed by the Senate Chairperson, and its executive secretary shall be appointed by the Senate Chairperson on the recommendation of the committee Chairperson.
  • Article 11 (Non-Senator Committee Member) ① The Chairperson may appoint a non-Senator as a specialist committee member through the decision of relevant standing committee or special committee. The list of appointed specialists shall be reported to the plenary meeting.
    ② The term of a specialist committee member shall be one year.
  • Article 12 (Executive Office) ① The executive office shall have one head and a few staffs members, the head of the office shall be appointed out of the class-4 or class-5 staff. [Amended on 2013.4.3]
    ② The office may have researchers to assist the business of the Senate. [Amended on 2013.4.3]
  • Article 13 (Notification and Announcement of the Deliberation Results) ① The Chairperson shall notify the results of the Senate’s deliberations to the President without delay, and announce them to the members of the University through appropriate media including written newsletters.
    ② A Senator may report the results of the Senate’s deliberations to his/her college or school as well as to the faculty meeting of his/her college or school.
  • Article 14 (Detailed Enforcement Regulation) The Steering Committee shall pass detailed enforcement regulations concerning matters that are not defined in this operation regulation.
  • ADDENDA 2012. 3. 21.)
  • The present operation rules shall come into force as from the day of its promulgation.
  • ADDENDA (2013. 4. 3.)
  • The present operation rules shall come into force as from the day of its promulgation.
  • ADDENDA (2014. 4. 16.)
  • The present operation rules shall come into force as from the day of its promulgation.