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The SNU Senate deliberates on important policies concerning the operation and development of the University.


The Plenary Meeting

The plenary meeting, where all the Senators should be in person, shall be convened to make final decisions on the agenda. The regular plenary meeting is to be held at least twice a semester, but the plenary meeting is usually held once a month due to extraordinary meetings.

An extraordinary plenary meeting shall be convened when the University President, or the Chair of the Senate, or at least a quarter of the current Senators, ask for it.

Major administrators including Vice Presidents of the University, Deans, Heads and Directors of the University administration may attend the Senate and advance their opinions. The Senate may request the above administrators to attend the Senate and hear the current situations of the University management as well as their opinions thereof.

The Steering Committee

The Steering Committee will work for the efficient management of the Senate, evaluating out agenda items for the Standing Committees as well as for the plenary meeting.

The Standing Committees

The Senate has four Standing Committees: the Committee of Education, the Committee of Research, the Committee of Planning and Finance, and the Committee of Environment, Culture, and Welfare.

The Special Committee

The plenary meeting can decide to set up a Special Committee to address specific agenda items with efficiency.

The Senate meetings shall open provided that more than the half of the current members are present, and pass resolutions by the majority vote of the attendees.

A member of the Senate shall not delegate his/her voting rights.

The Senate may have one undergraduate student representative and one graduate student representative as observers.

The minutes shall be taken to record the results of the meeting, and they shall be signed by the Chair and by at least two Senators.

The Chair shall notify the results of the Senate’s deliberations to the President without delay, and announce them to the members of the University through appropriate media including written newsletters.
A Senator may report the results of the Senate’s deliberations to his/her college or school as well as to the faculty meeting of his/her college or school.